世界のキミファンから日本へのメッセージ その2
地震に遭われた方が無事で安全でありますように!!! 今回の地震は、恐ろしいものです。Glad youre okay!! Im keeping an eye on my Facebook page too to make sure all my friends from that way are okay!
Hope all that were affected are okay and safe!!!! This was awful!
被災した日本の友達へ。大きな愛を込めて。Dedicated to our Japanese friends with great love.
Terrible, terrible. No words to say.
Michael Jackson loved Planet Earth and tried his everything to make it a better place and he has millions of fans in Japan (one of his biggest fanbase is in Japan). I’m sure had he been here he surely would have started to organise/write a song to the Japanese people – like he always did when there was a catastrophe in the world. But he’s not with us anymore so I’d like to send a beautiful song to all the people in Japan
From:Linda-Annne (イギリス)
日本人のメンバーが大丈夫かどうかここをチェックしていて、彼らが無事だとわかってとても安心しています。ほかのみんなと同様、日本に起きていることを見て、ショックをうけ悲しんでいます。そして大惨事にみまわれた方々のためにミラクルを願い、祈っています。日本について1つ言えることは、日本は強く、有能だということです。だから強くなって生活を再建できるはず。日本に神のご加護がありますように。Justing checking in here to see if the Japenese members are okay and I Aam very releived to hear they are okay. Like everyone else I am shocked and saddened to see whats happpening in Japan and hope and pray for miracles for the people so badly affected. One thing you can say about the Japenese as a nation is that they are strong and resourceful and they will be strong and rebuild their lives. God Bless the Japenese nation.
I want to express my sympathy and sorrow to Japan, now.
I leave far away from the catastrophe, but the messages from dears tigerlily and hiroshideath113 here make me feel closer.
Hiroshideath113 wrote: “ ….and considering what I can do for sufferers,…”. This impressed me, and it confirms the comments of respect and admiration for that culture I heard on TV, for example:
Japanese people are desperate, destroyed and shocked, but they don’t cry, even children, they don’t cry, there’s no use in crying… They started immediately to be helpful and do even the humblest thing that can help the collectivity….
I hope the situation doesn’t get worse than it is now.
My prayers go to the dead, to sufferers and to those who are living in sorrow and fear.
タグ: 地震