世界のキミファンから日本へのメッセージ その1

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I live in Greece, where earthquakes are an everyday thing! Our islands are formed by all this geological action!
In 1999 we had a "good" one that costed the lives of 75 people! Still it is something i remember with deep sorrow. We could not believe then that we had victims in our capital! So, when i see and read what is happening to your people and country, i really feel for you!
But you are a strong, proud and hard working nation! And we know that you can recover the material things, it is the people lost who can not be replaced!
I send again all my thoughts!



これはヘイキ・コバライネンと外務大臣のAlexander StubbがTwitterに投稿したものです。


「日本の深刻な被害を受けた場所のいるフィンランド人全員の行方が確認され無事です。安心しました。そして私たちのチーム @FinEmbTokyoに感謝」





Tigerlily, good to hear from you
Thank you for taking the time to post here so we know you are okay
I’m from Finland 
Here is what Heikki Kovalainen and Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb have written on his twitter-page:

# Been followin news in Japan, praying for all there involved 11.3.2011 20:02:04 via Twitter for iPhone
# It’s amazing what mother nature can do, speechless when watching some videos from yesterdays tsunami 12.3.2011 10:13:49 via Twitter for Mac
# So sad to read all the news regarding Japan, it’s like it’s unreal but it’s not 13.3.2011 23:33:44 via Twitter for iPhone
alexstubb All the Finns in the worst affected area in Japan have been found and are ok. Relieved and thankful for our team at @FinEmbTokyo.
# Great to hear all the Finns have been contacted in Japan and in good health 14. maaliskuuta 2011 9:05:07 via Twitter for iPhone
alexstubb Recommend against all travel to Japan, especially Tokyo-Yokohama, Tohoku and Kanto. Security level in Southern Japan is still good. 15.3.2011 14:34:38 via web Retweeted by H_Kovalainen and 13 others

Be safe, Tigerlily and Hiroshi

I do hope they come out with more positive and calming news soon.
Also I hope that Hiroshi would have the time to just say ‘Hi, I’m here’ although he must be crushed and busy – it is so reassuring to see you guys write here, Tigerlily and Hiroshi, because that way we know that you are okay.
I’m waiting to see how Finland is going to help Japan, Red Cross hopefully starts their campaign here soon with people all over collecting money. That’s all I can do from here. But times have fortunately changed for the better, if one country and nation faces a disaster like this then the whole world is willing to help. That is good to know.

Love to you all






We dont have big earthquakes in Finland at all, just a minor ones and actually the station that measures earthquakes here nearby our place said there was a minor earthquake here too at the same time as in Japan.
Chernobyl was our nearest experience what people have to deal with in Japan now and just yesterday I heard the mushrooms in here have still too much radiation. They said boiling them decreases the radiation.
I hope from the bottom of my heart you will solve all the problems . I have one young Japanese friend who visited us last summer and I liked her very much. You take things as they are and if something happens it happens and you look ahead not back.



彼らへのメッセージがありましたら、コメント欄にお願いします☆ (あ、もちろん日本語でもOKですよ。英語に訳して伝えますので)



